
Synopsis: Sisyphus: The Myth 2021 Han Tae Sul, co-founder of Quantum and Time, is a genius engineer with the very best coding competencies w...

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Sisyphus: The Myth 2021

Synopsis: Sisyphus: The Myth 2021

Han Tae Sul, co-founder of Quantum and Time, is a genius engineer with the very best coding competencies with a lovely look that surpasses his engineering trend sense. Thanks to its modern achievements, Quantum and Time is a world-class company, dubbed the "Miracle of Korean engineering Industry". In fact, Tae Sul brought about his company's shares to fluctuate continually after the loss of life of his brother ten years ago. One day, after witnessing the implausible reality about his brother's death, he embarks on a hazardous journey. Kang Seo Hae is a soldier who can swing from constructing to building, warfare huge guys with his naked hands, taking pictures weapons and putting in explosives. With the survival competencies she realized whilst residing between gangs and warlords, she units off on a hazardous course to discover Han Tae Sul.


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